Renting made easy
Rentvault links landlords with tenants and removes the unknowns in renting
How Rentvault Works

Landlord create an account and upload the property details.

Payment of security deposit by the tenant – The tenant will review the lease agreement provided and pay the security deposit payment for the rented property.
Our Services and Features

Tenant Screening
Rentvault will conduct a complete tenant background check to make sure you get the best tenants for your properties. This in-depth screening includes, but is not limited to, a credit record check, criminal records, employment, rental history, and social media checks.

Finding Tenants Faster
The Rentvault property team gets your requirements for a prospective landlord or tenant and we will find you the best fit that meets your requirements. Landlords are connected with pre-screened tenants who match your prospective tenants' requirements.

Hassle-Free Lease Agreements
Rentvault vets the prospective tenants, prepares and gets the lease agreement signed, and provides the rental application and collection. Our streamlined and simplified process helps save our landlords' time and money.

Landlord Reviews
Tenants can see the reviews of landlords before they choose to stay in the space or with the landlord.

Verified Listings
Rentvault property listings on our website are verified, so tenants can rest assured that they are getting legitimate landlords for the listed properties.

Smooth Onboarding
It's easy for landlords to list their properties for rent and for tenants to search for properties to rent.

Rent Guarantee
Rentvault ensures that landlords' investments are protected by providing rent guarantee. This means that if the prospective tenant doesn't pay the rent, we will pay you. If they run away and break the lease, we will pay you. If they damage the property, we will pay you, and we will have our lawyers handle the eviction. Let Rentvault absorbs the risk associated with your rental.
About Rentvault
Welcome to Rentvault!
We provide comprehensive rental services to landlords and tenants, helping them find and attract the right and best tenants for their property.
The vacancy rate is high, so it takes landlords longer to find the tenants they want or prefer. Landlords and property managers walk a fine line when looking for tenants.
If they wait too long for the perfect tenant, then they might end up with someone who doesn't pay the rent, damages the property, causes problems with other tenants or neighbors, and takes valuable time away from their family.
Tenants don't have the peace of mind because they have a landlord who doesn't fix the space, doesn't reply to their contact, or offers long-term leases. Rentvault can help landlords not only rent faster but also rent more profitably.
Don't just get any tenants, get the most reliable pre-screened tenants whose criminal, financial, rental history, and social media records that is screened by a team of experts, to ensure they pay rent on time and keep your property pristine.
Our rent guarantee program makes renting more profitable and removes the risk from owning a rental property. Rentvault can help make renting profitable for tenants by reporting your rent payments, so you can build your credit score 3x faster.Let's make paying your rent profitable for you.
What our customers are saying
Ready to get started?
Sign up. Landlords - Post your property in minutes, start screening your tenants. Tenants - pay rent online and check out reviews on your landlord.